Procrastination is something that most people have experienced with given chores. With the use of chore charts, you can come up with an excellent solution that can help you in dividing tasks among members of the household, class, or workplace. To help you make things easier, we offer you these well-crafted Ready-Made Numbers Chore Templates which you can download for free. We guarantee that these templates have a high-quality layout with ample space where you can conveniently write down the assignments, the person assigned to each task, and the days of the week or month. Apart from that, these templates are also 100% customizable enough to suit your design needs. Start not to procrastinate by instantly downloading any of your desired chart templates.
How To Create Chore Charts In Numbers?
Would you believe that procrastination may harm your heart health? If you don't want it to happen to you and your family, start setting your chore chart. This chart helps you introduce your children to responsibilities with household chores.
Be engaged with your tasks right now through your engaging chore charts. Create one with Apple Numbers and follow the steps we provided.
1. Decide On Your Schedule
Establish a schedule to follow. You can do it daily, weekly, even monthly based on your cause. Through this, persons with the assigned chores will perform their duties within the time-frame given. This chore schedule will also serve as a disciplinary action on their task commitment.
2. List The Tasks According To Age
Right after you identified the right time-frame, start to list all the tasks that are probable to the given measure. If you are making a weekly chore chart, limit it to what it capacitates. One thing that you must consider when listing down the tasks is the age of the doer.
Assign specific tasks to your eldest, middle, and youngest kid. Make sure that they are physically capable of the duty you designated to each of them.
3. Create A Performance-Reward System
One way that parents do to entice children to perform their tasks is through a performance-reward system. This system is not only helpful in family-based tasks, but you can also use this in your workplace.
With proper planning, you let a person perform a task with the corresponding reward in it. Psychology supports this idea in a way that people are more encouraged to do a task if there's reinforcement at the end of the line. The rewards that you set will become their motivation in taking on the assignment.
5. Print And Attach It Within The Reach
Use your chore chart as a checklist of tasks. Attach it within reach of your kids so that they'll be informed and reminded of the things that they need to do. If you may, include your chore charts in their planners for their easy reference.
To encourage your kids to perform their duties, incorporate visuals such as compelling pictures and cartoon characters to motivate them to keep going on their tasks. It's more useful if you let them feel that their responsibilities aren't as heavy as it seems.
6. Enjoy The Templates We Have (Only here in!)
There's nothing more tedious than creating things from scratch. That's why we provide chart templates here on that you can customize. You may add details that you need. If you know well about Apple Numbers, you'll be editing at ease. Apple Numbers has excellent features related to creating sheets useful in presenting tasks in tables.
Start building good behavior in your kids by creating chore charts to give them a notice about their responsibilities at home.