Attracting your clients and catching the interest of the customers are not an easy task. You need a useful marketing material to have a grip on their attention. To help you with that, we have designed ready-made book voucher templates that are easily editable and 100% customizable in Microsoft Word. The templates are professionally-made and well-designed to meet the standards set forth by your company. They also make use of preformatted content that you can either change or use to your advantage. Aside from that, the templates are downloadable, shareable online, and printable, perfect for commercial as well as personal printing. So, don’t miss the opportunity. Download our ready-made book voucher templates for free today!
How to Make Book Vouchers in Microsoft Word
Book vouchers are specific types of redeemable bonds that are worth a particular monetary value or discounts used in purchasing books. These types of vouchers are typically utilized in bookstores and academic institutions as a bill or payment in exchange for books. Often, book vouchers are also called as book coupons, gift vouchers, or book gifts. They function as a cash receipt and are solely made as an alternative to cash.
Get to produce book vouchers using our ready-made book voucher templates in Microsoft Word. Give discounts through gift certificates to gain trust and loyalty from your clients or customers. To help you with the process, consider the simple steps provided for you.
1. Choose a Book Voucher Template
You don’t have to make book vouchers from scratch because we have done the hard works for you already. From a wide selection of book voucher templates provided for you on our website, download as many as you need for your company. The book voucher templates are easy to download and customize, so don’t stress yourself too much.
2. Choose a Design
Part of choosing the book voucher template is considering its design. Each template comes with unique and modern designs to better suit your tastes and preferences. Choose a template with a design that fits and represents your business better.
3. Download and Personalize Using MS Word
With the use of Microsoft Word, it gets easy for you to edit, create, view, and share the book voucher templates with your peers or officemates. Get to make a voucher or a coupon in Microsoft Word, and personalize the template by providing the necessary information that your book voucher should contain. Details may include, but not limited to, the discount amount, the establishment of where the vouchers can be redeemed, the name of the business company itself, and the expiry date.
4. Keep the Details Simple Yet Informative
Take note that vouchers are not brochures or flyers where you can write information in a detailed way. Limit the details into a minimum to still have space for other information. Stick to the relevant and essential instructions and information only. However, write it in a way that doesn't leave out the vital information. Keep it simple, but still informative for the customers.
5. Incorporate a Company Logo
Vouchers are one way also to promote the brand identity of your company. In doing that, try incorporating a company logo to your coupons or vouchers. A well-designed logo would give the best impression and make good results.
6. Check the Errors
After filling in the details, review if there are mistakes with the information you have provided in your vouchers. Make corrections and changes if necessary. You can have it checked by yourself or by someone else to get better results. When everything is correct, you're now ready to print them or make your book vouchers available online. You can inform your loyal costumers through their Google or social media accounts, and have the book vouchers shared to a much wider audience.