Reference Letter for Teacher from Parents

Reference Letter for Teacher from Parents in Word, Google Docs, PDF

Download this Reference Letter for Teacher from Parents Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Parents can have the power to help teachers out in applying for work, hence why there is much need for the Free Reference Letter for Teachers from Parents template. This is free to download, comes easy to edit, and is print-ready for your convenience.




It is my pleasure to write this letter to give my high appreciation and reference for [NAME],  who has applied for the position of teacher in your institution [INSTITUTION NAME].

[NAME] has been an excellent teacher for our [SON/DAUGHTER]. [HE/SHE] has motivated and encouraged our [SON/DAUGHTER] to work harder and smarter and to be the best student.

I have also learned that [NAME] has introduced many unique techniques of teaching that have greatly helped [HIS/HER] students learn more about their subjects. I can always see that every student under [HIS/HER] tutelage has a high opinion of [HIS/HER] teaching skills. It is readily apparent that [HE/SHE] has the passion and dedication for teaching more than any teacher I have known. 

To conclude, I highly praise [NAME] for the kind of teacher that [HE/SHE] is. I would highly recommend [HIM/HER] for any teaching position [HE/SHE] wishes to pursue. I believe that [NAME] would be a valuable asset to any institution.

Please do not hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions or concerns. My contact details are as follows: [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] [YOUR EMAIL ID].




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