Having trouble landing a job as a teacher? Then worry no more as we have exactly what you need! Our professionally made teacher resume templates are guaranteed to help you show how qualified you are for the position. All of them are 100% customizable as can easily be edited with programs such as Microsoft Word (.doc), and Apple Pages (.pages). So whether you're a beginner or if you're already experienced, know that our templates are guaranteed to make you look professional to the eyes of your potential employer. So what are you waiting for? Start downloading now or join our subscription plans to enjoy all of our other high-quality premium templates today!
What Is a Teacher Resume?
The purpose of this type of resume is to provide the reader with information about a specific individual and why he/she should attain the role of teacher. Depending on what is placed in the document, one can land a job as an elementary school teacher, middle school teacher, high school teacher or whatever other teaching position one meets the qualifications for.
How to Create a Teacher Resume?
1. Make Your Header
Your potential employers will want to know exactly who is responsible for creating and sending the basic resume. So what you basically do here is put in your complete name, phone number, and email address. Make sure that whatever you list down in your contact details are still active so that your potential employer won't have any trouble getting hold off you when needed. Also, be sure to include a 2-by-2 picture with good image quality into the document as it can be very helpful for identification confirmation purposes.
2. Provide Your Summary
Here is where you will provide a brief explanation as to what specific type of teaching position you want and the type of working conditions you are looking for. Also, include any relevant teaching skills and experience and experience you have but don't go into too much detail. If you are transferring from a different career path, then make a short sentence which explains why you made the switch.
3. Explain Your Work History Along and List Down Your Relevant Skills
Whether you have a lot of teaching experience or none at all, this is a very important section that you must not forget to include. If you are applying for your first teaching job, then focus on the skills that will help you get it. Provide detailed descriptions of what it is that you can do that shows why you are the best choice. However, if you have a long work history as a teacher, then you'll want to simply list down all of the jobs you've had starting from your most recent one. When doing this, write down the name of the educational institution or company, the position title you held, and the month as well as the year in which you started and finished each job.
4. Show the Education You've Managed to Attain
Just about every resume you decide to make will require you to place what education you have managed to attain throughout your life. All you have to do is to write down the name of the educational institution that you graduated from, as well as the year in which you graduated. If you join any other training programs or courses that allowed you to develop teaching-related skills and knowledge, then put those in the simple resume as well.
5. Share Your Accomplishments
You want to show your potential employer anything accomplishment that you are proud of that is worth mentioning. What this means is that it is best that the achievements that you share are ones that have actual relevance to the job you are trying to apply for. Know that you can still share any other accomplishments that have nothing to do with the job, but it's suggested that you do not.
6. Insert Any of Your Interests and Hobbies
Lastly, you will be making the section that will show your potential employer what kind of personality you have as a teacher. When listing down your hobbies and interests, it is best that you focus on the ones that helped you grow as a professional teacher and ones that show how competent you are. Don't bother with hobbies and interests such as "religiously follows television series" or "enjoys movies" as employers will find nothing to gain from that.