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How To Create A Resume in Apple Pages
Whether you're a fresh graduate or an experienced person, you'll need to pass a resume together with a cover letter to get your dream job. Resumes will help your prospective employer if you are qualified for the job you're applying for. It can be challenging to write your resume since you need to highlight essential credentials. You might ask yourself, "Where do I start?" when making your resume. Thus, we're here to teach you how to create a resume that will highlight your credentials that is easy as 1-2-3.
1. Select A Resume Format
Resumes can be written in three formats: Reverse Chronological, Functional, and Combination. Choose from the three so that you can easily write the content of your modern resume. The three formats have their advantages and disadvantages, and for that reason, you need to choose which will highlight your credentials most. The first format, reverse chronological, is the traditional format and popularly used due to its flexibility that any applicants can use. The second format, functional, puts emphasis on the applicant's qualifications and is more suitable for those who have job experiences. The last format, combination, is the combination of the two formats. It emphasizes specific qualifications, yet it also contains professional experiences. Just a reminder, the information you're going to include on your simple resume will depend on the format you choose.
If you're not sure what format you want to follow, you may purchase the available resume templates above.
2. Provide Contact And Personal Information
After deciding the perfect format for your modern resume, you can now begin writing your resume. If you're a Mac user, open the word-processing application on your Macbook, Apple Pages. Begin with writing your contact and personal information. This information is always located on top of the document. It is essential to write your contact and personal information so that your employer can easily contact you. Prominently display your name, address, phone number, email address, and social media account links.
3. Always Include An Objective
Your resume objective (career objective) will set the tone for the entire content of your resume. This brief blurb— if written correctly— is a smart way to capture the attention of prospective employers. Job seekers usually misunderstand the career objective. This blurb should tell the employer of your skills, knowledge, and abilities that will help the company in return. Instead, job seekers wrote their career objectives of what they want from the company and how it will help their career.
4. List Relevant Work Experiences
When listing your work experiences, there are two things you have to keep in mind. First, you should list them from the latest work experience you had. And second, only list experiences that are relevant to the job you're applying. When you write your experiences, create a heading for each company. It needs to include the company's name, the address, your job title, and the dates of your employment.
5. Write Additional Resume Sections
There are still more core features your basic resume can or needs to showcase. These features are the education section, the skills, the accolades, and the references. When writing your education, place the highest degree attained first. For your skills, list skills that you think you have and are befitting to the job title your applying for. You may or may not include accolades and references. If you want to write accolades, it needs to be relevant and noteworthy. With your references, you may not write it on your resume, but you can place a "references available upon request" if you're not sure about writing references.