"Live life to the fullest," said Matt Cameron. We only have one life, so make your every day memorable. There might be no secret formula on how to achieve a successful and happy life, but if you have everything planned, then it could lead you towards the success and happiness you're aiming for. Don't have a planner yet? Keep track of your daily life events with our Ready-Made Life Planner Templates in Apple Pages (in Mac), Word, and Indesign. These templates are 100% customizable. Printable and instantly downloadable in A4 and US Letter sizes. Start organizing your life today by using our Ready-Made Planner Templates.
How To Create a Life Planner in Apple Pages
No one knows how long we will live. We could be alive today and dead tomorrow, so make each day a fun and memorable one. If you want a successful life, then life planning is important. Each day comes with a different set of responsibilities. What you need to do today could be different from what you'll do tomorrow. Now forgetting things is normal, so you may not remember some of the things that you'll suppose to do the following day or week. This can be avoided with a planner.
A life planner is your life binder. It's where you jot down your daily activities to ensure that you can do the things you're supposed to do. With this, you'll get to experience the sweet life, as it increases your time management and productivity. Follow the guide provided below, so you can create a life planner that will keep you organized.
1. Understand your Daily Tasks and Routines
Think about what you usually do each day and start creating the planner based on that. You must understand and take note of your daily tasks and routines, as this will be your basis on how should you organize the planner.
2. Create the Months you Need
Open Apple Pages, and start creating the pages of your planner. Planners are categorized per month. You'll have a blank page where you'll list your daily or weekly tasks for the given month. Here you'll list the things you need to for that specific day of the week, such as grocery shopping, going to the spa, doing yoga, doing projects, etc. Provide a bigger room to write on, so you'll not run out of space. For instance, on the page allotted for August, you can have a total of four pages. Each page must be broken down into seven parts, so you'll have seven designated spaces for each day. You may also provide one page for each day. It's solely up to you.
3. Create your Calendar
Your calendar is where you'll put your schedules. This is different from your to-do list notes pages, which you use to input all the tasks you need to do. For this, you must have one page every month. You use this to remind yourself of events such as parties and meetings you need to attend.
4. Input and Design
Using your lists of tasks, start inputting all your tasks in your planner. Your planner should reflect your personality. With Pages, you have plenty of font options. Don't be afraid to play with colors. Add your photos to make them look more personal. Keep yourself inspired and motivated by adding inspirational and motivational quotes.
5. Finalize The Planner Design
Once you're done making the planner, go back to the first page and start reviewing your work. Carefully review each page and look for errors and mistakes. Make sure your labels are correct. Hit Save once you're contented with your work. Avoid the hassle of creating a planner from scratch by using our planner templates above.