The history and origin of email go a long way back. In fact, the earliest forms of email have been in use even before the Internet became available to the public. And, ever since then, this digital means of communication has turned into a strong staple of information technology. Be it sending a formal notice to a client or vacation pictures to a friend, there are plenty of different things that an email can carry for you--even a letter prepared as a document file. So, if you want to quickly compose your own virtual note, then you’ll love our professional Email Letter Templates! These samples are 100% customizable in Apple Pages, printable in both A4 and US letter sizes. Download today--create an email letter that’s casual, proper, or whatever else with the help of our easily editable samples!
How to Create an Email Letter in Apple Pages
As explained on a page from, a letter can come in a wide variety of different forms. So, whether you’re looking to send an official party invitation or just a short note to a coworker, the creation of a letter is involved.
Though, if you’re wanting to expedite the writing process of your email letter, we have a few comprehensive tips (below) on creating one in macOS and Apple Pages!
1. Prepare Your Letter’s Overall Format
So first, open a new blank file in Apple Pages. Before you actually start writing words, you first have to determine the general structure of your letter’s body. To begin, there’s the size; go to the Document tab on the right and set Page Orientation to Portrait. Next, under the same tab, go with either A4 or US size. You should also set the margins to an inch long.
2. Date of Writing, Receiver’s Details
After setting up the size and orientation, you can now get to writing by starting with the current date. If it’s a business/formal letter, then you should align it to the left side; otherwise, either side is fine.
For a business letter, leave 2 empty lines below the date and then write down the receiver’s full name. Following directly below that should be their mailing address.
3. Draft the Main Content
The part of your document to work on is the actual content. First, include a salutation to the reader; using “Dear [NAME],” is good for both formal and informal letters. If you don’t who the exact recipient should be, then go ahead and write “To whom it may concern” instead. A simple “Hi” or whatever you prefer is fine for your own casual use.
Next, it’s now time to write the main dialog of your letter. For formal/business letters, you need to add an opening paragraph that states the purpose of sending the letter.
4. Your Letter’s Closing
With your letter’s primary body taken care of, you can write down “Regards,” or “Sincerely,” to close it off, which are fine for both formal and casual letters. Of course, you can go with whatever you like if you’re writing casually. For business, a closing paragraph is necessary before closing the letter.
Before adding your name below the closing greeting, go down 4 empty spaces first for your email signature. Once that’s done, you can finally send the letter by adding the file as an attachment to an email in your chosen client. If you’d like some ready-made letter samples for school, family, and more, be sure to check out our Email Letter Templates!