Electronic music stays at the number three spot for being the most popular music genre with an estimated 1.5 billion listeners, according to a recent study by IMS Business Report. Therefore, it's a profitable music genre business in this generation. One logical way to take advantage of this is by hosting an electro dance party. However, you need advertising material to boost your business. Our ready-made Electro Flyer Template is 100% editable, downloadable, and printable. It's available in PSD, Publisher, Illustrator, InDesign, Pages, and Word. Subscribe and download now.
How to Create an Electro Flyer in Pages
Whether you are hosting a party in disco clubs, pubs, or any particular activity, what you need is a promotional tool that could promote and invite guests to your event. Our team has created some tips to help you create an electro flyer for your business. You can start by reading the steps below:
1. Pick Up Some Details
Collect the necessary details that you need to include on your advertising material. These details include the name of the event, venue, date, time, participants, contact information, and fees. With your complete information, you will be able to entice your target customers.
2. Capture a Nice Photo
Get a high-quality image from the host or the disc jockey. Or you could hire a photographer to capture a photo of the DJ. Make sure that the picture is appropriate for the event.
3. Stimulate Your Mind
The next thing that you need to do is to conceptualize a design that you want to incorporate on your flyer. You can get some ideas and inspiration from others through the internet. It's a big help for you to fabricate a very compelling design. Just don't forget to focus on your target audience so that it will be easier for you to captivate them.
4. Create a Layout
Once you have the resources and the things that you need for your party flyer, you can now open Apple Pages. Start crafting your layout in a blank document. Utilize the tools provided by the software. Then, start blending the color tone, text, shapes, lines, gradient, and image. Plus, insert the necessary details and organize them.
5. Print and Publish
Save your masterpiece before printing it. Saving your work will still allow you to edit the template when you want to make some necessary changes. You can also use it in the future when you need to. Then, print your artwork. Distribute it to your target clients. Or you may want to post it on social media.