Do you have a new business that’s just starting up and needs to gain some traction? Are you looking to establish an online presence on the Internet? Whether your business deals in software, real estate, construction, or whatever else, setting up a website can be a great benefit in digital marketing. However, putting together a professional website takes plenty of work, as there’s the visual design to worry about. Therefore, to help you cut down on the time and hassle it takes, we’ve prepared a collection of easily editable Web Development Templates that you can instantly download! Our templates are 100% customizable in Adobe Photoshop and come in a variety of attention-grabbing designs. So, don’t delay any further and download now--make web designing more approachable for yourself by utilizing our original content!
How to Make Web Development Templates in Photoshop
Be it an online store, a digital portfolio, or a streaming service, creating a website takes a lot of time and dedication to start up. As described by, web development is a field that’s comprised of many different aspects in order to make a complete and functional website.
However, we can help guide you in handling the visuals and aesthetics of your own website. Just check out our tips (found below) on how you can pull it off using Adobe Photoshop!
1. Prepare Some Visual Material
To start off, you need to get together some photos and/or artwork to use for your website’s graphics. In terms of photos, depending on what your website will exactly be used for, you should go with images that are relevant to what you need. For example, if the website is used to showcase the various food offers from a restaurant, then you’ll want your pictures to contain images of fresh ingredients, working cooks, finished dishes, and so on. Also, if you have a logo and want to include it, ensure that the image file has a transparent background.
2. Organize the Layout for Your Images
After preparing the visual content for your design, go ahead and open a new document in Photoshop. Next, you should set up the general layout for one of your website’s to-be pages. Set the dimensions of the document to 1200 in width and 1800 in height; make the 1st layer your page’s background.
Use the Rectangle tool to draw in where each visual element is gonna be on the webpage; color the shape in whatever you prefer. Begin with where the main header/banner image will be, drawing a sizeable rectangle at the very top of the document. Now, proceed with adding more rectangles throughout the area below for your smaller pictures--be as creative as you want with their sizes and positions.
3. Insert Your Images
Now that you’ve planned out the image placement in your document, go ahead and add the actual pictures. Be sure to use layers and clipping masks to make the images appear above their respective rectangles but also below the background. Move the images around by click-dragging them, so that you can elegantly frame your pictures.
4. Draft the Written Content
With your images put in place, use text boxes to add the different lines of dialog on top of their respective sections (like over an image). Go with whatever style, size, and alignment you want/need for your font. Make sure that each bit of dialog is readable against the picture it’s paired with.
So, after that, you’ve got one page done! You can now proceed to make the other pages for your website. Interested in some ready-made vector art, stylish photography, and more for building a website? Then you’ll like what you’ll see from our Web Development Templates!