Looking for a creative strategic plan that outlines your business objectives? Well, look no more with our ready-made professionally written Sample Outline Templates! If you're a busy person, then this template is the best for you because you can edit it anytime, anywhere in various file formats such as Google Docs, MS Word, and Pages plus it is also available in A4 and US letter sizes. Never say no to this amazing opportunity and start downloading this Sample Outline Template today!
What Is a Sample Outline
A sample outline is your paper's "blueprint" or "plan." It enables you to organize your thoughts and ideas as a student or as an employee. A good sample outline can make it very effective to conduct research.
How to Write a Sample Outline
At first, writing a sample outline may be complicated especially to the beginners but with the help of the six easy steps listed below, then we will guarantee you a successful outline for your research, books, essay, novel, etc. Here are the following steps on how to make a sample outline:
1. Decide How will you Write your Outline
If you are preparing a sample outline for yourself only, then you have the free will to decide how will you write your simple outline. But if you are preparing a sample outline for your school or for a business company, then follow what has been instructed by your professor or by your manager. Some people process their ideas when they are writing it down. While there are also others who prefer typing their outline on a computer or laptop because they can easily copy and paste anything.
2. Narrow Down your Topic
Your outline has no purpose without the main topic because outlines help you in organizing your thoughts regarding a topic from books or thesis. For instance, you are working on a business project for your company, then you must identify and narrow down the concept or premise so that you can outline or structure your work.
3. Identify the Purpose of your Outline
Think about the purpose you want to accomplish in your outline. Is it for your essay writing? For your upcoming speech? For your book? For your research paper outline? Or a thesis? This enables you to determine what will be the effect of your essay to your reader or to your listener. The purpose might typically be to educate the reader, entertain the reader, or share the reflections of the writer with the reader.
4. Know your target Audience
If your intended audience is your classmate, then review the assignment sheet or speak to your teacher for a school assignment. On the other hand, if you are a teacher who is writing his/her syllabus or the course outline, then review your work and consult your colleagues for some pieces of advice if you want. But if the outline is for formal purposes like work, use the current outline as your model.
5. Collect your Notes
Before you begin your sample outline, it is essential to review this information because you are going to pull your points and subpoints from it. You could include some of the following: paraphrased ideas and concepts, quotes, statistics, and historical facts.
6. Brainstorm
You may write down scene ideas or plot points for a creative project. Everything you could include in your plan outline should be written down. You can always get rid some of your thoughts later! Here are a few ways of organizing your ideas: create a mind map or you can write your thoughts in a piece of paper or on an index card.