Creating simple reports is essential in proper communication. This helps build rapport or connection and integrity to your team. Thus, committing mistakes is an instance that you should, as possible, avoid. Progress reports must be written in a formal way. Its tone should be serious and respectful. Reports do not require sophisticated vocabularies, the simpler the better. Following the right format will take you to easier writing.
The progress report can be a weekly progress report, student progress report, construction progress report, daily progress report, project progress report, training progress report, and employee progress report. Regardless of its kind, as a writer, you have to remember the steps on creating a comprehensive progress report that is not overloaded with information but still informative. Provided below are the steps that you should remember in structuring your progress report.
1. Determine your Purpose
Before you can fully start your sample report, you have to determine what is your purpose of writing it. This will guide you in the flow of your report and for you to choose on what information to include and exclude. You cannot plan your framework if you do not have a purpose to base with.
2. Write the Header
The header includes the project report subject, followed by the writer's name and position, the date of submission, and the name and position of the receiver or the recipient.
3. Provide an Overview
An overview is an introductory part of your company report. This is the opening part of presenting the details of your progress report. You have to keep this part short and simple. Two to three paragraphs will do.
4. Compose the Body of your Report
Herein, you need to state the information of the completed task, encountered problems and lapses, and the chosen ways to solve the problems. You may include your plans in the future and the problems that you might encounter. You make sure that you included all the needed information for your report. You can also add infographics such as graphs to have visual representations of your data.
5. Create a Summary of your Report
In every report, there is a need for a summary. Take all the details you included in your entire report and compose it to a few paragraphs that will provide the whole sense of the report. Redundancy is something you need to avoid here. To come up with a great summary report is to organize a general idea from the specifics provided.