1. Start With Information on the Business
Whether it's a purchase order or work order form, you'll need to include information on the business responsible for creating it. Make sure that you put in the business's complete name along with its contact number and email address. You should also consider including its logo as that will be very helpful in spreading the news about its brand.
2. Put in the Order Number and Order Date
It is important that you always include both as they will be necessary for keeping track of a transaction you have with a particular client. When writing down the date, refer to a calendar and put in the month, day and year so that it's easy to know when exactly the order was made. As for the order number, be sure that each form has its own unique one and that none of them are similar.
3. Provide Billing and Shipping Information
It is entirely possible that the client will want to have the goods delivered to someone else while he/she will be still responsible for compensation what has been provided. All you have to do here is to point out the complete name, address, and contact details of the individual or individuals to whom you will be sending the financial statements and the goods or products too.
4. List Down Details of What Is to Be Provided
Start with the item code for whatever goods you have to be placed into the order form. Then you will have to provide the full legal description of every good and/or service that will be provided to the customer or client. Proceed to point out the quantity of the goods being ordered. And lastly, point out the unit price for each one and calculate their totals separately. Making a checklist will be truly helpful in achieving this step.
5. Provide Payment Details
This is where you will have to add the total of all the items that are to be provided. Make sure to include things like shipping, discounts, tax or anything that should be factored into calculating the total amount that has to be paid. Always check to see if you calculated accurately to avoid billing complaints. Also, include the payment schedule and methods that the customer will use to pay for the items that will be provided.
6. Provide Shipping Details
It the order is for goods to be delivered, then you will have to include the shipping method. Your order sheet or form must also consist of the shipment terms, effectively telling the client what he/she has to accept if the items are to be delivered. Lastly, you will then have to provide the date in which the goods are expected to be delivered. If it's for services to be provided, then point out the expected date in which they should be started and the complete address of the location where the work is to be done.