Holidays are always a good window of opportunity for businesses. Easter Sunday is one of those holidays that both adults and children can celebrate. So if you're planning on getting a flyer template to help boost your business, then look no further. Our Easter Sunday Flyer template is here for you! The template is free, editable, and available in Microsoft Publisher. These Easter Sunday Flyer templates are 100% customizable if you enjoy personalizing. The template is available for download through your computer and even your mobile devices so you can edit it anytime anywhere. So what are you waiting for? Subscribe now!
What Is an Easter Sunday Flyer?
To celebrate events or advertise promos, businesses both big and small use the traditional marketing tool known as flyers. They are typically a small piece of paper with a visual representation of the events, products, or services that they offer. They are often distributed out in the streets, pinned to announcement boards, inserted within the pages of a magazine, sent through email, or even offered over the counter of the business. Easter Sunday flyers are given out by companies in celebration of Easter. They often promote events for children as well as discount promos.
How to Make an Easter Sunday on Microsoft Publisher?
With the coming of a holiday, many companies usually capitalize and try to incorporate the celebration into their business. They offer discounts and other promos to entice customers who discover this through flyers. An Easter Sunday flyer is no different and the process of making one can be either fun, challenging, or both. Using Microsoft Publisher, you can create your own flyer. Just follow these tips to know how to make an effective Easter Sunday flyer.
1. Understand the Occasion
Something you need to do before creating any holiday flyers is getting into the background of the holiday. This is to help you get a better understanding of why it is celebrated. Easter Sunday is usually celebrated as a religious holiday for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It has been associated with non-religious customs that often include a rabbit known as the Easter Bunny and is synonymous with egg hunting.
2. Distinguish Between Brochures and Flyers
People tend to think that a brochure and a flyer is the same thing when it's not. A brochure, while serving the same function as a flyer, usually varies from being a single page, a bi-fold, and a tri-fold. Flyers are only single sheets of paper. A brochure also offers more details to the content whereas the flyer summarizes its content.
2. Prepare Your Content
It's wise to know what you're going to put into your flyer before creating one. So you need to prepare a list that contains what you plan to put into it. Three to five should do for promos and events are usually just an individual element. However, you will need to add details such as the time, the venue, what to wear, and whether there is a fee or not.
3. Create the Flyers Layout
You need to create a series of rough drafts to help you choose which layout would look best. Create three to five drafts with unique layouts and narrow down which you think is the most appropriate. Mark the spaces to identify where you can attach your images and text.
4. Design the Flyer
Using your chosen layout, you can now begin the process of designing your flyer. Have a color palette that's appropriate for Easter. Maybe the use of white, green, or pink would suit your flyer. The image you attach needs to be relevant. Most Eastern Sunday flyers feature either a rabbit, a basket of colorful eggs, or both. Your alternative to images is illustration. The more modern flyers use vector illustrations to make their flyer look more appealing. Having vector shapes to give it a catchy look can help too. The font in use has to be a festive one so you have the freedom of creativity here. Some flyers try as much as possible to look like posters or even use the poster design and integrate them into the flyer. You can do the same.
5. Review and Print
When you finish your design, take some time to review your output. Have a keen eye for detail to spot any errors you might have overlooked and fix it immediately. Proofread the content and change any grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes. When you're ready, you can save the file and have it prepared for printing.