Defining the goals that you want to achieve in your life is important as it gives your life purpose. Considering that some factors and uncertainties might happen in one's life along the way, it can be difficult to achieve the goals you've set for yourself. However, if you've planned out what you have to do, then reaching your goals is entirely possible. With this said, keep yourself on the right path to success by downloading our Goals Mind Map Templates. Each of them is designed to help you know what you have to do and when you have to do it. The templates are professionally made and are ready to be edited via Apple Keynote at any time. Download now!
How to Create Goals Mind Map in Apple Keynote
Let's face it, we're all driven to achieve our life goals but are anxious when it comes to trying to achieve them; we're afraid that something could happen which prevents us from getting where we want to go. No matter how uncertain the future may be, these unpredictable factors should not be the reason that you become a part of the 80 percent of people who don't set goals for themselves. That is why we want to help you start pursuing your goals via our helpful guide below on how to create a strategic mind map.
1. Establish a Particular Goal
Setting a life goal can really make a difference in your course in life as it can motivate you to keep working. The same idea also goes to your mind map chart. What you'll want to do is establish the primary goal of your visual diagram. Maybe you want to achieve your new year's resolution, find the perfect work-life balance, or maybe landing that job you want. In the end, it's all up to you.
2. Gather Your Tasks
After figuring out your goal, you can now begin plotting out the tasks needed to achieve it. For example, let's say you're making a mind map for your academic objectives. Via a separate sheet, take time to classify the activities and priorities that are relevant to your academic endeavors. Sort your tasks by categorizing them so that it will easy for you to link them all together.
3. Connect Everything
Since a mind map would entail a lot of branching from one idea to another, the next process is to connect your tasks to your mind map's central goal. Figure out the order in which each task should be done or which of them should be done together until you're able to complete what you've set out to achieve. Upon bridging the tasks, make sure that you put labels for each one. You can also create sub-categories for better arrangement.
4. Incorporate Creativity
Even a simple chart that visualizes your goals should be spiced up with creativity. For you to do that, you'll want to incorporate a color scheme and add symbols to your mind map layout. Aside from making your mind map creative, incorporative design elements will make it easy for you to distinguish different tasks and will make things look more organized.
5. Actualize It
Now that you're done making your mind map, now is the time wherein you can print it via the digital layout app of your choice. Take note that we always have ready-made templates for mind maps above if you don't want to start making a mind map from scratch.