This type of agreement is typically made between an employer and an employee. Although these are usually meant to clarify matters concerning employment, it can also be created for other employee-related affairs. This includes anything from working agreements, business confidential information, equipment usage, etc. So if you play the role of the employer, then be sure to learn how to prepare whatever employee agreement document you might need.
1. Know the Purpose of the Agreement
Before you can start making documents, you must first know the reason as to why it needs to be made. The purpose of knowing it will tell you the kind of agreement that has to be made, along with what details you will need to include as you are creating the document.
2. Identify the Parties
Next is that you will need to write down the complete employee information of those that are involved in the basic agreement. You must be able to identify which member of the party is the employer and which one is the employee. You must also provide the job position titles of those involved and include any additional details such as their addresses if deemed necessary.
3. Point Out the Offer
This will depend entirely on the type of agreement you are going to create. For example, a sample employment agreement will contain a job offer that depicts the position and benefits one is to receive should he/she accepts. Be sure to include any important details that will make the offer clear to both parties.
4. Write Down What Should be Provided in Exchange
The legal agreement document must then point out what must be given in exchange for the offer. This must be negotiated with the parties involved to ensure that the exchange is fair on both ends. Also, what one party can provide in exchange for the offer can be anything from payment to providing goods and/or services. Much like when writing down the offer, make it clear as to what this may be.
5. Place a Clause on Agreement Termination
It is entirely possible that one party may wish to terminate the employment agreement. The purpose of having a termination checklist clause is so that both parties are aware as to how they may end the agreement without having to deal with any legal consequences. Be sure to point out how exactly either one may do so and you will also want to point out exactly what consequences there are for breaching any of the agreements.
6. Create Spaces for Signatures
At the end of the agreement, you will need to provide spaces for where both the employee and employer can place their names and signatures. Having them in the document shows that they have accepted the terms and are willing to fulfill the obligations they have set for one another. Do not forget to include the exact date in which the document was signed if both parties have come to the conclusion of accepting the agreement.