Through a mind map it is possible to capture all those brilliant ideas that have come to your mind. Not only that it makes it easier to test its plausibility. This saves a lot of time and money in the long run as less time is spent on features that are less important or feasible and more time is spent on those that are more likely to be loved by the users. Therefore a most optimal and efficient development process can be prepared this way. If you have not made mind maps previously consider browsing our vast collection of development mind maps.
There are times, when you are seeking funding from an investor, when the latter wishes to see your development mind map. Not having one is a major fault in the eyes of the investor. It can even cost you the deal if this gives the impression that you are not organized or serious enough. The best way to prevent such a scenario is a development mind map. In case you are not familiar with the process of creating mind maps we are sure that will provide you with a lot of value.
If you think that mind map is some new thing that will require you to learn some complicated software to make one you are wrong. We value our users’ time and thereby try to make the process as seamless as possible. That is why these development mind maps are compatible with Google Slides, something that you are already familiar with.