A cover letter is essential when writing a job application. Not only does it act as an introductory page, but it also bolsters your resume. If you need easy-to-use samples for your drafting, then consider using our Cover Letter Templates. Conveniently create a professional letter for employment in accounting, healthcare, customer service, or engineering. And if you’re on Windows, you can use our samples in Microsoft Outlook. So, don’t delay—incorporate our content into your design process!
How to Write a Cover Letter in Microsoft Outlook
Are you applying to be a retail manager? What about an engineering teacher or office receptionist? Whatever you’re pursuing, pairing your resume with a cover letter always helps. With a cover letter, you can make a compelling application using your unique voice (as Glassdoor, a career resource, explains).
Microsoft Outlook makes it easy to draft and email your cover letter. If you’re new to using this program, then feel free to read our tips below.
1. Starting Your Cover Letter
Create a new letter by clicking New Email in the upper-left corner. In the fresh document, start by typing in the letter’s title. Create a basic title containing the exact job position and your full name, like “Healthcare Director - John Doe.” You can also use the title in the Subject field unless instructed otherwise.
2. Writing Your Cover Letter’s Dialogue
Open with a formal salutation, like “Dear Employer,” for example. Next, write a short paragraph about the letter’s purpose and your interest in the position. In the following paragraph, give a brief introduction about yourself and explain why you’re a good fit for the job (mention relevant skills, achievements, etc.).
Close by thanking the reader for their time, then write a formal valediction (i.e., “Regards,”) followed by your complete name.
3. Save Your Cover Letter as a Template
If you’d like to send an alternate version of your letter to a different employer later, you can save the document as a template. Go to File > Save As and select Outlook Template under “Save as type.”
To use the template, go to New Items > More Items > Choose Form. Select “User Templates in File System” under the “Look in” list before picking the template from the library.
4. Add an Email Signature to Your Cover Letter
Before emailing your cover letter, include a signature for a professional look. Create one by typing “signatures” in Outlook’s search bar (on top) and selecting the feature from the results.
And those are our tips! Don’t forget our Cover Letter Templates for quick and simple writing!