Happy Birthday, Joyeux Anniversaire, or Feliz Cumpleaños—no matter what part of the world you belong to, your day of birth deserves to be celebrated. One of the most common celebrations includes throwing a party with your closest friends and family. And what are parties without birthday menus? Lay your appetizing birthday dishes here using the variety of Birthday Menu in Illustrator that we're offering. These templates are creatively-crafted by our professional designers and are easily editable for your convenience. Available in (US) 8.5x11 inches, 5x7 inches, and 4.25x11 inches, there's a template available for the most commonly-used paper sizes. Provide a visually-appealing layout of dishes by downloading one of our birthday menu templates!
How to Create a Birthday Menu
A birthday menu is a special type of food menu consisting of different dishes commonly served during birthday celebrations. The menu typically consists of appetizers, main dishes, desserts, and beverages. Just like other types of menus, this one is presented in a simple listed format, but you may incorporate aesthetic touches that match the theme if you are feeling a little grand. One fact that you may not know about birthday celebrations in Italy is that you are to open the birthday present in front of the one who gave it to you. It is deemed disrespectful to put aside the present and open it for later. Enough about facts, here are tips that you might need when designing your birthday menu. These tips are very easy to follow, read through the steps provided below.
1. Plan the Size of the Menu
The size of your simple menu depends on your budget and the number of items you need to display. The standard menu size is about the same size as a US letter paper, which is 8.5” x 11”. Additionally, can have multiple pages for your birthday menu as long as you categorize the items according to their order in a meal. When planning the size of the menu, just make sure that it's big enough to accommodate all the content while still keeping the text easily readable.
2. Plan the Color Scheme
The birthday's theme should be coordinated with your menu's color scheme. These should be evident in your birthday menu. When creating the color scheme of the menu, it should be arranged in a manner that is catchy or appealing to the eyes of the reader.
3. Provide Pictures
Our eyes are easily drawn towards vibrant colors and exquisite pictures. When creating a modern menu, the addition of pictures on your end will give your audience an idea of what the dish or beverage will look like. You may want to take pictures of the dishes and use it on the menu, or you may have it taken by professionals. If you're planning to do the former, just make sure that there is good lighting and that the best and most mouthwatering features of the dish are captured. If the images need to be enhanced through photo manipulating tools, don't hesitate to do so.
4. Use Readable Fonts
What's the point of an aesthetically-pleasing birthday menu card if your readers can't read the text because of your overcomplicated fonts? Use clear and legible fonts such as Arial or Calibri, but stay away from unprofessional-looking fonts such as Comic Sans. However, if you really prefer a stylish font, you are free to use those that are available in third-party text generating websites. Lastly, go for font colors that contrast with the background color.
5. Decide Your Menu Type
Your birthday menu can either be an outdoor or table tent menu, make sure to decide which option suits the event more. Also, always make your food menu easily accessible to your guests. If you want to cut costs, then an outdoor menu is an ideal option for the birthday party.