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John D. Rockefeller - Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
John Cena - You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.
Socrates - I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.
Thomas S. Monson - You do not find the happy life. You make it.
Dalai Lama - If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.
Malak El Halabi - Now that your eyes are open, make the sun jealous with your burning passion to start the day. Make the sun jealous or stay in bed.
Christian Nestell Bovee - Tears are nature's lotion for the eyes. The eyes see better for being washed by them.
Ron Chernow - I have developed a very strong partiality for the dead: they don't talk back, they don't sue, and they don't have angry relatives.
Thomas J. Watson - Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up
Lydia Maria Child - “No music is so pleasant to my ears as that word father.”
Adele - I can't write another breakup record. That would be a real cliche.
Adele - I am never writing a breakup record again, by the way. I'm done with being a bitter witch.
Adele - With your loving, there ain't nothing that I can't adore.
Adele - I love a card. You know, cards? At birthdays? I collect them.
Chaz Bono - Gender is between your ears and not between your legs.
Ludwig van Beethoven - Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
Leo Buscaglia - Don't brood. Get on with living and loving. You don't have forever.
Magic Johnson - People don't stop eating, and they don't stop drinking coffee.
John Cooper Clarke - If you don't like The Ramones, you don't like rock 'n'roll. They're like The Beach Boys without the sea.
Dario Argento -If you don't like my movies, don't watch them