Are you planning to transfer any type of asset or property to your loved ones, business partners, or to a non-government organization? Ensure you make every sale, transfer, and transaction legal with’s Notarized Bill of Sale Templates. The Bill of Sale Form Templates records the transfer of cars, boats, and other types of vessels. Being notarized shows proof of ownership to the transferred property to the court and any entity requiring the verification
It may be difficult for people to transfer movable assets and properties. Detail everything you need from the purchase made or handover when downloading Personal Property Bill of Sale Templates to legally move your trailers, motorcycles, and vehicles. You might be worried about the content differences between countries and states, but there is no need to fret and edit most of the content. Whether you are in Texas, Maryland, Pennsylvania, or another state in the US, always has a professionally written bill of sale suitable for your place. How about corporate properties? has samples for private companies to use. If you purchase a new property for your new office or receive an asset from another company, your lawyers and other staff can easily record the transfer along with a certificate for acknowledgment with the Business Bill of Sale Templates.
You can find three file format options to choose from for each notarized bill of sale sample: Word, Google Docs, and PDF. After getting a copy, you can keep, edit and print the content at any time. Save time writing by following the sample texts.